The 11 Best Tools for Your Sales Stack (2024)

Picture of Ted He

Ted He

Founder & CEO at TripLog
choose sales stack apps tools technology

In the information age, buyers are savvier and more knowledgeable than ever. Many sales tactics of the past are simply no longer effective. You must be ready to meet your client’s needs when they demand them and be present where they are looking for a solution.

In today’s market, whether you’re a small business trying to scale up your sales success or an established enterprise looking to keep the ball rolling, it’s imperative that you incorporate a combination of old techniques such as in-person visits and conversations over the phone, text, and email, as well as newer online buyer journey awareness.

Planning for a technology stack that can help you get more organized around your buyer’s needs both offline and online might seem overwhelming. Today, we will be discussing the 11 best tools and apps for your sales technology stack to help you achieve both personalization and scale.

the 11 best tools for your sales stack slack

Best Sales Stack Tools #1: Slack

With Slack, you can boost your productivity and communicate efficiently with your team. Slack is undeniably the leading company communications tool when it comes to reliability. 

With its best-in-class messaging app, you can connect remotely with your team while also centralizing your communications. As businesses continue to adapt to the post-COVID era and remote work is becoming more common, services like Slack are becoming ubiquitous.

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Slack makes it easy to discuss projects, share essential files, and maintain transparency within your organization. The Slack app makes it easy to incorporate itself with your CRM in order to process deals more effectively and efficiently.

11 best tools for your sales stack linkedin

Best Sales Stack Tools #2: LinkedIn

Are you prepared to meet prospects? LinkedIn is a perfect tool. As a sales rep, LinkedIn is a modern tool that makes it possible for you to check the backgrounds and career history of your prospects. Do you share some things in common? Do you share the same city?

Checking out your prospects on LinkedIn can help you find a great icebreaker or a perfect talking point. The more you are able to personalize your interactions with your prospects, the more they will be interested in viewing your pitch favorably.

11 best tools for your sales stack salesforce

Best Sales Stack Tools #3: SalesForce

When it comes to the top apps for sales reps, Salesforce is an absolute must. The two-way Salesforce app makes it easy and hassle-free to nurture, capture, and convert leads with Intercom without needing to break your existing workflows.

With the Salesforce app, there is an avenue to send your best leads and automatically create tasks from Intercom conversions. Salesforce gives you a complete view of every lead you have with your company.

Apart from that, you also enjoy the benefits of a sale right from where you stopped. The Salesforce app also offers you the opportunity to stay on top of the performance of your team while at the same time, gaining visibility into the critical revenue metrics.

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Indeed, the app improves the performance of your sales team while also displaying the revenue of your reports. Salesforce also integrates with other apps, including TripLog.

11 best tools for your sales stack hunter email hunter

Best Sales Stack Tools #4: Hunter (Email Hunter)

Are you in search of the best method to find the email addresses of your prospective clients or customers? With the help of Hunter, there is no doubt you will be connected with professionals that will have a significant impact on your business.

You only need to type the first or last names of your clients. You can also access these emails with the link to their company’s website.

With Hunter, there is an excellent opportunity to have full access to verified email addresses of each business owner, coupled with their public domains available on the internet. For sales prospecting, the Hunter app is undeniably an incredible tool to achieve this purpose.

11 best tools for your sales stack zoom

Best Sales Stack Tools #5: Zoom

Zoom makes cutting down your travel expenses easy. With its sophisticated video communication network, Zoom also offers sales representatives an opportunity to hold meetings, conferences, and online webinars.

In the COVID-era, it has become the perfect solution to conduct distance meetings. With Zoom, you can engage in a wide range of online activities.

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For instance, you can easily share your screen with your prospective clients and customers. With Zoom, delivering an effective and efficient sales presentation is easy and hassle-free anytime, anywhere.

11 best tools for your sales stack mailchimp

Best Sales Stack Tools #6: Mailchimp

As a sales representative, you need to cut costs when creating successful email campaigns. While there is a wide range of expensive tools, there are also a wide variety of cost-effective ways of creating success-driven email campaigns.

One of the best examples is Mailchimp. Designed and configured to reach a wide range of users, Mailchimp is the perfect tool for modern-day email marketing.

With its well-designed and well-structured templates coupled with valuable analytics, Mailchimp gives you everything you need to measure the effectiveness of your outbound emails. It also enables you to scale up and personalize your email campaigns by incorporating automation.

You can segment your leads and create automated campaigns to increase engagement by sending email responses based on pre-determined triggers such as specific lead behavior. You can learn more about email marketing automation here.

11 best tools for your sales stack docusign

Best Sales Stack Tools #7: DocuSign

Even after you close a deal with a client, there is still a lot of paperwork to get through along the way. Whenever a prospective client or customer is ready to commit to a particular contract, it is your duty as a sales representative to get them to sign, come hell or high water.

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If you are working in an organization that utilizes eSignature systems, you should look into a solution like DocuSign. With DocuSign, signing contracts with your prospective customers is made incredibly easy whenever, wherever, and however.

11 best tools for your sales stack badger maps

Best Sales Stack Tools #8: Badger Maps

If you travel to meet with prospects, it’s never good to leave them waiting. Sales route planner tools such as Badger Maps make reaching your clients effortless.

Badger Maps, a highly sophisticated daily sales app, is a route mapping app designed explicitly for sales representatives. The company claims that “sales teams sell 20-25% more with Badger Maps”, which can be huge for any company at any scale.

Badger Maps provides a great avenue to utilize more time nurturing deals rather than wasting your valuable time on the road. Badger Maps provide you with the opportunity to find new leads, visualize your territories, and plan your schedules efficiently and effectively.

11 best tools for your sales stack triplog

Best Sales Stack Tools #9: TripLog

If you run a small business, it’s important to remember that travel for work is tax-deductible. For larger businesses with mobile sales employees, mileage reimbursement is a great way to give your team their hard-earned money.

Related: Why Small Businesses Should Track Their Mileage

TripLog is the market’s best mileage tracker app that businesses of any size and complexity can benefit from. Whether you’re a small business tracking your mileage for taxes or an enterprise-scale company needing a robust company mileage solution, TripLog will be a boon to your sales stack.

Did you know that if you travel more than 10,000 miles annually, you’re eligible to claim $5,850 as a tax deduction? To learn more, download TripLog on iOS or Android and get started for free!


11 best tools for your sales stack feedly

Best Sales Stack Tools #10: Feedly

With Feedly, you can rest easy knowing you’ll never miss any essential news concerning your industry. As a sales rep, there is a great need to stay focused and updated with the latest trends, news, inventories, and discoveries relating to your field of business.

With Feedly, you won’t need to visit a website before you can have full access to factual information. On a single platform such as Feedly, appropriate news articles and their contents will find their way to your fingertips.

Apart from that, you can also make use of Feedly to track your previously read articles by clicking “Feedly’s history”. Feedly also offers suggestions for new articles that might interest you.

11 best tools for your sales stack calendly

Best Sales Stack Tools #11: Calendly

Whether you are scheduling a meeting with one prospective client or setting up a time to conduct a webinar for 30 potential clients, you can simplify the process by using a scheduling tool like Calendly.

Related: Manual Expense Reports: The Hidden Costs

Calendly is a powerful yet simple automated scheduling tool that takes the work out of connecting with others. It helps you avoid conflicting bookings and provides a hassle-free experience for your clients.

Final Thoughts

Apps and software will not replace face-to-face communication and the trust and credibility that comes with in-person pursuits. However, in combination with your existing sales techniques, they will enable you to be more efficient, gain more insights, engage more leads and provide unexpected value add that will be the differentiating factor that makes you and your business more successful.

A mileage tracker like TripLog can be an invaluable tool to help your sales efforts. To learn more, schedule a complimentary live web demo today. Thanks for reading!

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Mileage Reimbursement Savings Calculator

Using outdated manual mileage logs can cost businesses thousands of dollars per year in lost time and incorrect reimbursements. See how much TripLog can help you save!

Number of drivers

Average miles daily per person​

Number of trips daily


Annual mileage reimbursement costs based on the numbers you provided.

Annual Mileage Reimbursement

50 mi/day x 100 drivers x $0.54 (5 days x 50 wks)


This is the inline help tip! You can explain to your users what this section of your web app is about.

According to research, on average employees inflate the mileage by 25% when self reported.

Estimated Reimbursement Savings

25% x Annual Mileage Reimbursement


People on average spend 2 minutes on manually recording trips.

Manual Entry Hours

2 mins x 10 trips/day x 100 drivers (5 days x 50 wks)

8,334 hr

Taking national average $25 hourly rate.

Estimated Labor Savings

Avg. $25/hr x Manual Entry Hours


Your Company

could save

(Labor Savings + Reimbursement Savings) / Number of Drivers


per driver

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