Give Your Team a Better Way To Spend With TripLog Card

Eliminate manual reconciliation and get real-time expense data.

employee holding triplog card making payment

Get The Insights You Need To Help Make Big Decisions

The TripLog Card dashboard gives you a clear and practical look into your team’s spending.

And, because its expense records automatically match your bank statements, TripLog Card provides you with a real-time view into your spending.

Easily Customize TripLog Card

TripLog Card is as customizable as you want it to be. Turn features on and off, set spending limits, customize expense categories, and more.

You can also associate purchases with specific charge codes, project numbers, etc.

add a triplog card to your company

Say Goodbye to Lengthy Reconciliations

With TripLog Card, payments are automatically reconciled, making reimbursing your employees simpler than ever.

You also get access to real-time expense tracking and receipt capture at point-of-sale.

Easy Auditing: One Place for Receipts and Records ​

Does your team ever have any questions or concerns regarding their expenses?

TripLog Card makes audits easier than ever, with all of your team’s receipts and records stored in one convenient location.

Easy auditing with triplog card
triplog logo

Switch to The #1 Mileage Tracking & Reimbursement Solution

(4.8 rating score)



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Number of anticipated TripLog users:

Mileage Reimbursement Savings Calculator

Using outdated manual mileage logs can cost businesses thousands of dollars per year in lost time and incorrect reimbursements. See how much TripLog can help you save!

Number of drivers

Average miles daily per person​

Number of trips daily


Annual mileage reimbursement costs based on the numbers you provided.

Annual Mileage Reimbursement

50 mi/day x 100 drivers x $0.54 (5 days x 50 wks)


This is the inline help tip! You can explain to your users what this section of your web app is about.

According to research, on average employees inflate the mileage by 25% when self reported.

Estimated Reimbursement Savings

25% x Annual Mileage Reimbursement


People on average spend 2 minutes on manually recording trips.

Manual Entry Hours

2 mins x 10 trips/day x 100 drivers (5 days x 50 wks)

8,334 hr

Taking national average $25 hourly rate.

Estimated Labor Savings

Avg. $25/hr x Manual Entry Hours


Your Company

could save

(Labor Savings + Reimbursement Savings) / Number of Drivers


per driver

Before you go, schedule a
complimentary demo

See how TripLog works, ask questions, and explore your potential savings!

Get TripLog

Start automatically tracking your mileage today to never miss another deductible mile. Try the #1 mileage tracker for free!


(4.8 out of 5)

15 Day Free Trial

Schedule a call with a TripLog agent in as little as 15 minutes!

In your introductory meeting with one of our mileage experts, you will:

  • Get a demo of the TripLog admin dashboard.
  • Have the opportunity to ask questions.
  • Learn more about how TripLog can benefit your team.
  • Get insight into which pricing plan will best suit your team’s needs.