Choosing to switch from manual paper-based mileage tracking to a modern mileage tracker app may seem like a no-brainer, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Companies have been tracking their employee’s mileage for decades (check out this fun reimbursement pamphlet from 1960), but up until recently, all mileage tracking had to be done manually.
With the advent of GPS technology and smartphones, employee mileage tracking and reimbursement have never been easier – or more accurate. Still, companies are often unsure whether it’s worth making the jump from manual mileage logging to a mileage tracker app, often due to a few very common misconceptions.
In this short piece, we’re going to go through some of these myths and show you why a mileage tracker would be beneficial to your company.
Company Mileage Tracker Misconception #1: It Must Be Expensive
One of the biggest misconceptions that comes with switching from manual analog solutions to modern digital ones is the idea that it will be more expensive. At first glance, it may appear to be the case, especially when purchasing a yearly subscription to something like TripLog.
Using TripLog as an example, our yearly plan costs $59.99, which comes to $4.99 per user each month. Without question, this is no simple expense for any business, no matter the size, but there are many hidden factors that come with manual mileage and expense tracking that companies aren’t able to easily notice.
Related: How Much Should You Reimburse For Your Employee’s Mileage?
For instance, according to the Global Business Travel Association, nearly 1/5 of all expense reports have errors. These errors can take up valuable time to correct (18 minutes on average), in addition to being costly when missed.
In addition, as stated by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, companies lose a full 5% of their revenue to fraud, with 10% of that number coming from intentional omissions. Whether you’re a small business or an enterprise-scale corporation, these numbers are huge to a company’s revenue.
Other little things, like the cost of paper, for instance, help contribute to the high costs of manual mileage tracking. Ultimately, solutions like TripLog only serve to save companies money, both in the short term and the long run.
With TripLog’s accurate mileage tracker app and comprehensive web dashboard, companies and their expense and payroll managers are able to get a clear view of their team’s finances as they relate to mileage tracking. In addition, they get numbers that they can trust, given the accuracy of the TripLog app.
Company Mileage Tracker Misconception #2: Paper Logs Are Sufficient
The need for companies to track their mobile employees’ mileage extends long before the advent of smartphones, or even modern computers in general. Given that these companies are still afloat today, it might be easy to assume that paper logs are good enough, but the advantages of a mileage tracker app are numerous.
For example, filling out a manual mileage log takes about two minutes per entry. If a driver is making multiple stops per day, they’re going to be missing out on dozens of hours of productivity every year.
In addition, as we discussed in the previous point (though it bears repeating), manual mileage logs are costing companies thousands of dollars. In a study conducted by TripLog, we found that mileage claims are overreported by as much as 29% when tracked manually. For companies with mobile employees, this can result in thousands of dollars in revenue being lost each year.
Undoubtedly, those are dozens of hours and thousands of dollars that companies are going to want back. While it’s impossible to turn back the clock and fix our mistakes (as far as this writer can tell, anyway), we do have agency over our future, and switching from manual mileage logs to a mileage tracker app is an important way for companies to save money and time.

Company Mileage Tracker Misconception #3: Using Is More Complicated
Indeed, computer software and apps can be intimidating given how relatively new they are to a lot of people. Business owners especially, who tend to skew older demographically, may be initially uncertain as to whether switching from previous tried-and-true (if flawed) methods to newer ones will be something they will easily understand.
With TripLog, however, administrators can rest easy knowing their information is easily accessible from one convenient place. From the TripLog dashboard, administrators are able to easily access detailed reports, make policy changes, and manage their mobile team members’ routes and schedules.
Related: Why Small Businesses Are Vulnerable If Not Properly Tracking Mileage
On top of that, TripLog stays up-to-date on all federal and local regulations, cutting out additional time and effort for admins. The TripLog dashboard is highly detailed but easy to pick up quickly for any user, and companies are more than welcome to schedule a free live demo to learn more about it.
Mobile employees get access to the TripLog app, the market’s most full-featured and easy-to-use solution for tracking their mileage, expenses, and schedules. With its sleek interface and automatic mileage tracking features, having TripLog as your company’s mileage tracking method rather than pen-and-paper can be a great way to attract – and keep – high-quality candidates.
Company Mileage Tracker Misconception #4: Big Brother Must Be Watching
It can certainly be nerve-wracking to be told that you’re being tracked, in any context, and it can be a difficult thing to discuss on either side of the conversation, employer or employee. With TripLog, however, companies and their mobile team members can rest assured knowing that our solutions put privacy first.
While TripLog does offer comprehensive real-time fleet tracking and management solutions, those features are optional, and can be turned off should the company choose to do so. Drivers will also be happy to know that their personal drives and trips are never shared with their company unless they themselves share that information.
Company Mileage Tracker Misconception #5: My Company Is Too Small
Whether you’re a single user needing to track their mileage to deduct their taxes at the end of the year, a small business with a few home healthcare workers under your wing, or a large multi-national corporation, you only stand to gain by switching from manual logs to a modern mileage tracking app.
Even one driver manually tracking their mileage can account for dozens of hours of lost productivity and hundreds of dollars in lost revenue each year. TripLog offers a flexible pricing structure that can fit the needs of any sized company or user base.
To learn more about how TripLog can help your company save time and money, schedule a complimentary live web demo today, or visit our pricing page to get started. You can also try out our mileage reimbursement savings calculator. Thanks for reading!