DoorDash Dasher Rewards Program Explained (2024)

Picture of Dimitri Gedevanishvili

Dimitri Gedevanishvili

Marketing Manager
doordash driver driving in her car to get doordash rewards

DoorDash has revamped its driver incentive structure with the introduction of the new Dasher Rewards Program. This program replaces several previous initiatives, including the well-known Top Dasher program, offering a more comprehensive and flexible rewards system for delivery drivers.

The Dasher Rewards Program aims to recognize and incentivize high-performing Dashers, providing them with increased earning opportunities and additional perks. By consolidating multiple programs into one, DoorDash has streamlined the reward process, making it easier for Dashers to understand and benefit from their performance.

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What is DoorDash’s Dasher Rewards Program?

The Dasher Rewards Program is a tiered system designed to reward Dashers based on their performance metrics and delivery history. It features three levels – Silver, Gold, and Platinum – each offering increasingly valuable benefits as Dashers climb the ranks.

The program’s purpose is twofold: to motivate Dashers to maintain high-quality service and to provide tangible benefits that can enhance their earning potential and work experience. By meeting specific criteria, Dashers can unlock various perks such as priority access to high-paying orders, advanced scheduling, and even discounts on personal DoorDash orders in some markets.

Previous programs such as Top Dasher are currently being phased out in favor Dasher Rewards. However, certain cities such as Seattle and New York City may still be using the Top Dasher program.

How to Qualify for Doordash Dasher Rewards

To qualify for the Dasher Rewards Program, drivers must meet specific performance metrics. The key criteria include maintaining a minimum Customer Rating, Acceptance Rate, and Completion Rate, which may vary depending on your location.

New Dashers are given special consideration to help them get started. For the first 50 deliveries, new Dashers have access to certain perks to help them learn the platform and establish their performance metrics.

After completing 50 deliveries, Dashers become eligible for the full program based on their ratings. Qualification is assessed on a rolling basis, meaning your rewards level can change as your performance metrics fluctuate.

It’s important to note that the exact requirements may vary by market, so Dashers should check their app for specific local criteria. The program is designed to be dynamic, allowing Dashers to move between tiers as their performance changes.

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DoorDash Dasher Rewards Tiers Explained

The Silver tier is the entry level of the Dasher Rewards Program. Silver Dashers typically gain access to some priority on high-paying orders and may receive limited priority for Dash Now access.

Gold tier Dashers enjoy enhanced benefits compared to Silver. This often includes greater priority on high-paying orders, improved Dash Now access, and potentially early access to scheduling.

The Platinum tier offers the most comprehensive set of benefits. Platinum Dashers generally receive top priority on high-paying orders, the ability to Dash Now even when it’s not busy, VIP support, and access to large catering orders (with approved equipment).

In some markets, Platinum Dashers may also receive additional perks such as discounts on their personal DoorDash orders. The specific benefits can vary by location, so Dashers should consult their app for the most accurate information.

Key Features of the DoorDash Dasher Rewards Program

Priority Access to high-paying orders is a cornerstone of the program, with higher tiers receiving greater priority. This feature aims to increase earning potential for top-performing Dashers.

The Dash Now feature allows qualified Dashers to start working immediately, even when it’s not busy. Higher tier Dashers may have more flexibility in accessing this feature.

VIP Support provides Platinum Dashers with priority customer service, helping to resolve issues more quickly. Advanced Scheduling allows eligible Dashers to book preferred time slots up to 6 days in advance.

Access to Large Orders, including catering orders, is available to Platinum Dashers who have approved catering bags. This can significantly boost earning potential due to higher order values and potential tips.

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How the Dasher Rewards Program Differs from Previous Programs

Unlike the Top Dasher program, which evaluated qualifications monthly, the Dasher Rewards Program operates on a rolling basis. This means Dashers can gain or lose access to rewards as their performance metrics change, providing more immediate feedback and incentives.

The new program consolidates benefits from several previous initiatives, including Priority Access, Large Orders Program, and Early Access Scheduling. This integration provides a more streamlined and comprehensive rewards system.

The tiered structure (Silver, Gold, Platinum) offers more granular rewards compared to the all-or-nothing approach of the Top Dasher program. This allows more Dashers to access some level of benefits, even if they don’t meet the highest performance standards.

Another key difference is the inclusion of personalized DoorDash discounts for Platinum Dashers in some markets, directly linking Dasher performance to personal benefits beyond just work-related perks.

Tips for Maximizing Rewards With the Dasher Rewards Program

To maintain a high Customer Rating, focus on timely deliveries and clear communication with customers. Following delivery instructions carefully and ensuring order accuracy can significantly impact your ratings.

Keeping a high Acceptance Rate is crucial for advancing in the program. Consider accepting a wider range of orders, especially during peak hours, to boost your rate.

Completion Rate is equally important. Once you accept an order, make every effort to complete it. If you must unassign, do so sparingly and as early as possible.

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Utilize the advanced scheduling feature to secure preferred time slots. This can help you work during busier periods, potentially increasing your earnings and access to high-paying orders.

For Platinum Dashers, invest in a quality catering bag to qualify for large orders. These orders often come with higher base pay and larger tips, significantly boosting your earnings.

Dasher Rewards Program Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often are rewards levels updated?

A: Reward levels are updated on a rolling basis, typically within 24-48 hours of meeting new criteria.

Q: Can I still decline orders without losing my rewards status?

A: Yes, but maintaining a high Acceptance Rate is crucial for higher tier rewards. Balance declined orders carefully.

Q: Is the Dasher Rewards Program available everywhere?

A: The program is currently available in select markets. Check your Dasher app for availability in your area.

Q: What happens if my ratings drop below my current tier?

A: If your ratings drop below the requirements for your current tier, you’ll be moved to the appropriate lower tier within 24-48 hours.

Q: How do I qualify for large orders as a Platinum Dasher?

A: You need to have an approved catering bag. Submit photos of your bag through the app for verification.

DoorDash Dasher Rewards Program Explained: Conclusion

The DoorDash Dasher Rewards Program offers a range of benefits that can potentially enhance your experience and earnings as a delivery driver. While the program’s value varies depending on individual circumstances, it provides clear incentives for maintaining high performance standards.

To further maximize your earnings as a Dasher, try using TripLog to track your mileage! Accurate mileage tracking can lead to significant tax deductions, putting more money back in your pocket at the end of the year.

You can download TripLog on iOS or Android for free today. Thanks for reading!

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