Whether you’re tracking your mileage to maximize your tax refund or to claim a reimbursement from your work, you’re going to need an easy-to-use logging method in order to get every dollar you’ve earned. If you’re not ready to switch to a modern mileage tracker app, you can download our pre-built mileage log templates in either Excel (which you can import into Google Sheets) or PDF!
This free downloadable mileage log is perfect for Uber drivers, DoorDash deliverers, and any other self-employed worker who uses their car for work. Tracking your mileage can save you thousands on your taxes (even more if you use an automatic mileage tracker app!).
If you’re an employee who uses their car to conduct business on behalf of a company or you’re a manager/owner with a team of mobile employees, tracking mileage is an absolute must. Download our free company mileage log template to make your mileage reimbursement process simpler!
Our mileage log templates are not only convenient but also incredibly user-friendly. Designed with custom Excel code, these templates take the hassle out of mileage tracking. Just enter your odometer readings, and the sheet does all the number-crunching for you!
Important Steps:
If you need additional lines, simply copy and paste as many blank lines as you want!
By following these guidelines, you’ll have a robust, IRS-compliant mileage log that not only streamlines your record-keeping but could also save you significant time and money down the line. Happy logging!
Manual mileage logs are costing you and/or your team dozens of labor hours per month.
Schedule a call with us to see how TripLog can give you those hours, and thousands of dollars in additional savings, back to your organization!
Using outdated manual mileage logs can cost businesses thousands of dollars per year in lost time and incorrect reimbursements. See how much TripLog can help you save!
Number of drivers
Average miles daily per person
Number of trips daily
Annual mileage reimbursement costs based on the numbers you provided.
Annual Mileage Reimbursement
50 mi/day x 100 drivers x $0.70 (5 days x 50 wks)
This is the inline help tip! You can explain to your users what this section of your web app is about.
According to research, on average employees inflate the mileage by 25% when self reported.
Estimated Reimbursement Savings
People on average spend 2 minutes on manually recording trips.
Manual Entry Hours
2 mins x 10 trips/day x 100 drivers (5 days x 50 wks)
8,334 hr
Taking national average $25 hourly rate.
Estimated Labor Savings
Avg. $25/hr x Manual Entry Hours
Your Company
(Labor Savings + Reimbursement Savings) / Number of Drivers
See how TripLog works, ask questions, and explore your potential savings!
Start automatically tracking your mileage today to never miss another deductible mile. Try the #1 mileage tracker for free!
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